Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Is it okay to hate a professor you are going to have again in the future???

I got an email today from my professor letting me know how I did. Here is what it said:

"Your score on the original final exam was 116 out of 270. Your score on the second final exam was 110 out of 270. I'm assigning a grade of 'F' -- you'll need to retake the class. Sorry it didn't work out."

Sorry my @$$!!! I had a 565/730 (a B- according to his grading system) before I took the final. When you add in the 110 that gives you 675/1000, a 67.5%. According to his grading system that is a C-. Here's the catch. Right in the syllabus it says that you have to get a 50% on the final exam to pass the class. That's right... I earned a C- but he is assigning me an F. Since it had been so long since I took Calculus I I was very concerned about my grade and how I was doing in the class. After the mid-term I was very upset and asked him if I should just retake the class. He told me retaking it would be a waste of time and that he suspected I would be getting a B in the class. What a bunch of bull. I have many problems with this whole thing AND him too.

1. How can any teacher make the final worth 27% of the grade?
2. How can you justify giving a student an F when the points say otherwise (even if he had a "normal" grading system it would still be a D+)?
3. Getting an F jeopardizes my future student loans, AND they may require me to pay back the money they gave me for that class.
4. Having to retake this class sets me back an entire year at least. I have to wait until Spring 2010 to take it again and cannot take the math classes I was signed up for. The rest of the upper level classes are only offered every 4 semesters!
5. The professor does not grade homework. He collects it for completion only and does not see if you are even on the right track. The few times I asked for help on homework in class he either brushed past it, said we were covering it in class, or told me to see him.
6. The only time he was available M-Th was when I was working or had doctor's appointments or was so tired from staying up until 4 am DOING my homework that I slept in.

Basically I think this guy is the crappiest teacher I have EVER had. I have never had anything less than an A in a math class. Sure I struggled some, but this has got to be a reflection on him too. I am so frustrated and furious about this situation. There is a voice in the back of my head that says "he's a small dude; you could take him". LOL! Even Joe told me I should kick him in the nuts. Oh, and here is the unfortunate part. I didn't devote as much time as I should have in my other two classes because I was spending soooo much time on this class. I kept telling people I was treading water in those classes. Anyway, I ended up with a B in my Education class and a B- in my Meteorology class because of it. I know those are still good grades, but I know I would've gotten A's or at least A-'s if I had done more.

After talking to two of my brothers-in-law and a couple other friends I have decided that I am going to question him on the reasoning of this "less than 50% on the final = F" policy. If he says it is because he feels like someone that cannot pass the final shouldn't be moving on I am going to beg him to give me a grade that will at least give me credit for the class and promise to take it again next Spring. He'll know if I go back on my word because the two math classes I was going to take next semester are taught by him (hence the title of the blog). If he does not agree to this or if he does it for some other stupid reason I will officially appeal the grade. There is a part of me that hopes that if it comes to that they not only side with me, but fire his butt too. That might be mean, but seriously, this guy is an awful teacher. There's still the possibility that everybody failed again since mine was the only test he graded since I took it a whole day earlier than everyone else. Part of me hopes for that because there is no way he can fail an entire class, but I don't wish bad things upon my classmates.

Anyway, I am still super mad about this whole thing even though I have a plan A and plan B. My aunt told me today that this kind of thing was one of the reasons she took karate while she was in school. She could go to her lessons and legal beat up on men and get out her frustrations. Maybe she's on to something...

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